Winterizing An Above Ground Pool For Warm Climates
You can contact your Authorized Dealer for a professional
pool closing or winterizing service. However, if you are a seasoned
pool owner or a do-it-yourselfer, follow the simple steps below.
The method you use to close your pool (winterizing) is important
and will vary depending on a cold or warm climate. Closing your pool
properly will save you money, time and chemicals at the beginning
of the next season. poolife® Closing Kits are available at your dealer; or
follow the instructions below.
Winterizing An Above Ground Pool For Warm Climates
1. Take a pool water sample to your authorized poolife® Dealer for
a full analysis. -Winterizing An Above Ground Pool For Warm Climates
2. Balance the water per the dealer’s recommendations. If metals are
detected, add poolife® Stain Stop per label directions.
3. Thoroughly brush and vacuum the pool.
4. Shock the water withTurboShock® or poolife® Rapid Shock®
shock treatments per label directions for winterizing.
5. Add a winterizing dose of your preferred poolife® algaecide,
following label directions.
6. Run the filter for 24–48 hours. Thoroughly vacuum and remove
any debris. Winterizing An Above Ground Pool For Warm Climates
7. If there is a chlorine feeder connected to the pool, make sure there
is no remaining chemical in the feeder. Clean and flush the feeder per
manufacturer’s directions or run filter until all remaining chemical has
been dissolved.
8. Clean the filter with poolife® Filter Cleaner per label directions.
9. Continue good pool cleaning practices.
10. Reduce the filter cycle to half of its swimming season setting.
11. Clean the skimmer and pump baskets weekly or as needed.
12. Monitor the pH, chlorine, total alkalinity and calcium hardness levels
and adjust as necessary.
13. If you have an automatic feeder set it on low and check the supply
every 2–3 weeks. Follow the recommendation of your Authorized
poolife® Dealer.
NOTE: Even if your pool is not completely closed, we recommend
a cover for keeping out debris, but remember to adjust the pH and
shock the pool before you cover it.
Winterizing An Above Ground Pool For Warm Climates
Paradise Pools Mart
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