How To Install Solar Panels. Are you considering a solar pool heater for your pool heating? Good choice – solar heaters for pools are the environmentally and economically responsible choice for pool heating. Installing a solar pool heater is the perfect DIY project for the pool owner. Unlike gas pool heaters, which require qualified personnel to make gas and electric connections, putting together solar pool panels can be done in an afternoon.
Above Ground Pool Solar Panel Installation:
There are two types of solar systems for above ground pools, the Solar Arc pool heater, (upper right) and the Universal Solar Heater. Both are extremely simple to install; you can set up your own above ground solar panels in under an hour.
above ground-solar-pool-heater-installations Shut off pump and plug the skimmer and return line in your pool to stop water flow.
Choose the location for the panel(s), where they will receive at least 6 hrs of sun per day. A southern-facing direction, unobscured bytrees is best. Solar Arc heaters should not be roof mounted, but the Universal solar system can be installed on a roof top (see below).
The Universal Solar pool panels can be installed flat on the ground, but if you can build a small rack from wood, to mount them at a 45 degree angle, (bottom right) your solar panel(s) will absorb more sunlight.
Connect the return hose from your pump into the solar panel inlet, to bring the cold water into the solar heater.
Connect the return hose included from the solar panel outlet, to bring the warm water into your pool.
Both solar systems are modular, that is – you can connect additional panels to each other. Out of one solar panel and into another. They can even be installed in different locations, or you can pipe your water to a remote location, it needn’t be up against the pool as shown in the pictures.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Will I need to up-size my pool pump to push water up to the roof?
A: I have installed dozens of solar systems and never had to upgrade the pump. As long as you have a 3/4 hp pump or greater, you should have no problem, even pushing the water up 2 stories. You will notice that the filter pressure will rise 2-4 lbs on the pressure gauge, but most pumps can handle the extra resistance without a problem.
Q: I have a pressure-side pool cleaner, will this conflict with it’s operation?
A: If you have a booster pump type pool cleaner, it is recommended that you not operate it at the same time as the solar pool heater. The Solar Controller has a booster pump override to shut off the booster pump when the valve actuator opens to send water to the solar panels.
Q: Can I mount the solar panels on 2 different sides of the roof?
A: Yes, after exiting the first panel set, run a pipe to the second panel set, and so on, then back down to connect to the return line.
Q: Do I need to install the Solar Controller?
A: It is recommended for best results. If it starts to rain, or heavy clouds form, sending water to the solar panels will cool the water, and reverse the heat gains made earlier.
Q: What If I need to remove the solar panels to replace my roof?
A: The panels can be removed in a few hours, no problem.
Q: What about winterizing my solar panels?
A: Solar panels are installed with a slight pitch toward the exit pipe, with a air-lock valve on the opposite corner, to allow complete drain down during fall closing. If pitched correctly, there should be no need to “blow-out” the panels with air, although you can easily do this if you wish.
How To Install Solar Panels